
The life of an artist is one for constantly broadening their horizons, reaching out to new people, settings, and perspectives. A process of opening themselves to the world in a way others can’t. It’s about finding that next big project and finding means to execute it. Most artists represent an open mind, knowledgeable and appreciative of the world around them. So how do these artists just suddenly take off to different cultural spots on the planet and work on new art pieces? How do they showcase their work in international galleries? Where do they gain the sufficient funding to produce their exhibitions? Art residencies come in, to lend a helping hand in these matters.

The art scene recognizes the field of art residencies is forever evolving due to a new age of fast-paced globalization and innovation. It has changed greatly over time and will continue to develop and grow. Therefore, it’s too broad to entirely commit to a definitive concept for the term. It should be left open and fluid to new developments, contexts and times, whilst retaining its previous core principles. Art residencies undoubtedly play a hugely important role in the career of the modern artist. As long as they continue providing these opportunities for the individual, these institutions will be highly sought after by artists.

Each art residency has a different program and unique approach to their relationship with the artist. In short, each program would be expected to provide a temporary space for an artist to live and work in. They would have access to various facilities, networks, and audiences at the location for practice and promotion of their work. Every art residency has a different financial budget, set of rules and procedures to carry out. Some specialize in one discipline, others are open to various disciplines. There is a whole catalog of things to consider for an artist when applying for residencies. If thoroughly researched to match one’s needs and aspirations, the residency placement usually becomes a mutual success.

Art residencies must always follow a set of core principles if they want to be a success. First and foremost, the residencies are enablers of the creative process. They provide for the artists to settle and work as they wish in their residence. As their host, everything they have arranged from the application process should be ready and be waiting.  They are the instigators in creative production and networking. Residencies should be reflective of their lexical meaning as ‘an act of dwelling in a place’ and connect the local to the global. The conditions need to be ideal for the artist to produce their specific type of artwork. They must also give the artist an opportunity to connect culturally with their new home. Residencies act as tools for intercultural understanding and capacity building. They must play an active role in immersing a ‘foreign’ artist into the local art scene. Their role is crucial to the arts ecosystem as they allow the free movement and trade of the art business. They are bridging mechanisms between different arts disciplines and non-arts sectors. It provides artists with the life experiences they desire away from their everyday cultures and lifestyles.

Limited Architecture

We understand architecture as a logical, simple and effective answer to its natural and cultural environment. We seek to bring solutions after a careful study, with a design that adapts to the context, standing the test of time and achieving a lower consumption of resources in its life cycle.

Architecture is limited space defined by design obstructions. We use the context to set up these design obstructions in order to define space with a specific purpose and direction. The context is defined by the project limitations, such as topography, landscape, weather conditions, municipality regulations and environmental concern. As a means to work with these limitations in a creative and productive way, we set up obstructions as game play rules that define the framework of the project. These obstructions can define concept, material, organization, construction, motion, and interaction between space and user. With this approach we see the limitations not as difficulties but rather the fuel for creativity and innovative solutions. This is an architecture where each design decision sought to respond to its environment. An architecture that adapts, not that is imposed.



The questions that arose in the formation of the project are how to recognize and re-read the spatial structures of traditional species in an area to answer the internal and personal problems of the project in a contemporary way? And how can the spatial features of a northern extroverted house and the introversion required by the project be combined? How can one not be seen while being extroverted and connected to open spaces, and also provide a degree of confinement? How can one be both extroverted and introverted at the same time? The final decision of the project was the independence of private spaces and their relationship with an open but semi-enclosed and private space.

Living in the same space that you work in, always involves a reflection on the physical relationship between both places, on how much they intoxicate each other. 

There is a binary aspect within the distinctions ‘live’ and ‘work’ that does not necessarily correspond to the reality of an artist’s daily life, where creation is never far from life’s numerous rituals and cannot simply be designated into one volume. Consequently, the project is redefined into 3 living spaces: a space for production, experimentation, exposition space to be social, to receive and exchange an intimate space in which to withdraw, to repose, meditate These three spaces are established in conjunction with the remarkable existing qualities of the structure, benefiting from three natural light sources and …

The construction of art residency has also taught architects a profound lesson: only by returning to the “origin”, reestablishing the intimate feelings between man and the land and the symbiotic relationship between man and nature, and through “design on the ground” and “construction on the ground”, can the building “grow” naturally from the land, so as to realize the spiritual return to the “Hometown”.


Following many of construction principles, such as using readily available locally sourced materials, modular, lightweight timber-framed system, and eliminating the need for excessive foundations, the structure allows great flexibility in planning and infinite adaptations and variations in the future. In addition, featuring a composition of varied windows, each defined by the activities within, the design helps bring in natural light during the day.



The concept of the accommodations is an organic spiral motion in the internal organization of the spaces, both in plan and in section. This creates a fluent sequence of spaces that is contained in the simplicity of the box-shaped volume. to build this constructive element almost like a sheet of paper, suspended in the center of the house, as light as possible, so that the space flowed around it to create an interesting visual relationship between the spaces and the functions.

The accommodation continue the L-shaped and U-shaped courtyard pattern of local dwellings, maintain the external wall material characteristics of raw soil, brick and staggered brick cornice, and slightly arched wooden frame form, and strengthen the structure of abandoned residential buildings, add internal thermal insulation, increase sanitary rooms, improve the height of indoor space, so as to facilitate natural ventilation and lighting, and make the indoor and outdoor environment melt into one. A space that has an organic curve taken from the fluidity of elements in nature and transferred to the architectural space to create a smooth sequence of spaces. All in a simple box taken from the form of local houses.

my objective was to create a single-artist residence with a distinctive shared living area, private bedrooms and a private art studio, while taking advantage of the lush natural landscape that surrounds the site. Our design maximizes functionality through a small cluster of building forms, creating a variety of living spaces while taking advantage of the breathtaking views.

There is a porosity to the interior world of this retreat. Glass hallways link the cubes and transform into open air bridges with simple sliding doors. Large picture windows and door openings align for expansive views to the landscape. The result is privacy between the different programmatic elements in each cube, with a visual layering of space as the land is slowly revealed.

The original wood posts of the structure appear regularly throughout, accentuated by translucent panels that define the spatial setting of each room from social to intimate environments. These panels also serve to filter the light, easily sliding to provide the desired balance. Architecture accompanies artists, it adapts to their mode of life and provides a service for their creation.

These are examined and translated into an architectural Prototype that reconciled 3 different juxtapositions: the inside and the outside, the working and the living, the individual and the collective.

The presence of light in space floating at different times of the day is considered as a work of art.

Openings in the roof provide natural sunlight and controlled ventilation. The roofs are used for sun energy harvest – solar photovoltaic panels to provide electricity for the entire campus in combination with hot water solar panels. The plan’s geometry and the semi open spaces between the different function optimize the campus outdoor areas allowing maximum direct sunlight at winter and shade at summer time.

The relationship is as if the site’s natural environment and the architecture coexist at the same time. The architecture has become a part of the whole landscape of undivided environment, not simply thinking about connection to the surroundings from the cut off opening in walls. This time, we came up with a living form that accepts the outside environment such as surface of the terraced land, surrounding neighboring houses, fences and walls, residences that sit along the slope and far beyond mountains. The architectural principle is not a division from the land with a wall, but an interior that is an extension of the outside and connection of the surface like a pit dwelling that is undivided from the land.

The spiral motion of the interior walls not only defines the spaces, but also separates the completely closed to semi-closed state for entering the illumination from the glass walls.


the defining characteristic of prefabricated, modular, timber-framed vernacular, and adopts the principles of efficient, lightweight, sustainable construction

A gallery completes the space’s social use and protects the living place at the same time.

The main structure of the galleries breaks and is divided into a series of grids from the path of smoothness. And due to the abstract assumption of residential spaces in order to be influenced by the structure of abstract art, contrasts between structures, lines and pages, orientations and angles are seen.

with the fact of being in the middle of a natural environment. The project maximizes this combination: social interaction, it is a landscape; A certain centrality, recognition is always needed; the project is the center, the heart of a big natural area: it needs visibility without being invasive in the landscape.

The combination of open, semi-open and closed spaces with contrasting materials such as glass, wood and concrete makes the project a contemporary character and allows the space to be comprehensive in relation to the customs of different cultures. In fact, the social sphere of the space increases and provides a place to move, to socialize, to create new relationships. An attempt to create an architecture in which every design decision tries to respond to its environment. Consistent architecture, not imposed …

This simple set of volumes with pure materials added to the charred wood that covers the intimate volume and balanced with the lightness in the social area, brings a contemporary character to the building. The social area, in fact, opens to the center, a place of movement, of socialization, allowing the generation of meetings and new relationships. The resulting effect is that the architecture and landscape merge with each other to create a playful and engaging place that is both calming and spiritual.

Residential art space has always been associated with light and brightness under the influence of the concept of Persian garden. Looking at the concept of understanding light and darkness, transparency and reflection, wind and oscillation. It pursues ” Realizing the Dream of an Iranian garden”, that is to say urban spaces that do not come into conflict with nature, but they welcome it, merge with it and get to beat at the same frequency.

Time seems to be no longer a single linear element but a cycle. Time is passing but in the space of art residence, time is spinning. What remains is what associations this space envisions with the role and imagination of art and artists, which goes back neither to the art of residence nor to its sides. Rather, it refers to the hidden events of this space, to the narration outside this space and the mysteries and unheard of this space and the mental connection with this space. Which all arise from the interaction and relationships formed between artists and their art. Under the superposition of multiple forms in spaces, the viewers are guided into a world between dream and reality. space is no longer limited to displaying, instead, It is a space that can be perceived, thus generating subjective experience and memory.

The overall goal of the design is to create a modern space but derived from the patterns of the site and its environment. In a way, a return to the original, because the re-establishment of sincere feelings between man and his native land and the coexistence relationship between man and nature, helps a lot to introduce the indigenous culture at the international level.


All events within the project are reflected in one installation. The relationships between the components and the surrounding spaces, the interactions of the people with the artists and their works, the combination of accommodations and galleries are well reflected in the outer wall of the installation. The installation with the mirror material has somehow embraced the whole project and has become a symbol of an art residence complex. By entering these spaces, people see different views from different perspectives of the project, and at the end of their visit of the collection, a memory is recorded in the form of a photo frame in their minds. In a way, the whole project is gathered in one place in the form of an installation.