
The proposal showcases the flexibility of modular wooden construction in relation to a program that can be adapted over time making it possible to create an ever-changing mix of programs.


Urban spaces are placed in the city context as an immutable element that disappears over time and is forgotten. But what can be done to transform these spaces into durable parts permanently in the city context and create spaces for human presence in it? Manjil is a border city located in the south of Guilan province. Since a large part of Iran has a water shortage problem, Manjil can be a good destination for immigrants from all over Iran.

In addition, the origin of this city was also due to immigrants. Another feature of this city is the huge resources for electricity generation. The construction of a huge dam on the Sepidrood route and wind turbines that use the constant winds of Manjil to generate electricity is one of the prominent features of this city. Which has affected the urban development of this region. Another important feature of this city is the occurrence of a severe earthquake in 1990. Due to the role of this event in the collective memory, the construction of prefabricated, fast, and modular spaces can be necessary for this city. The project uses these fixed elements to create monuments that include living spaces but is dynamically defined. And fixed lines of thought become fluid and moving lines that can be expanded in any context. Between these fluid lines, communication paths and living spaces are formed, all of which are interconnected and form a single but flexible element. As a result, the form is affected by several factors outside its original structure.

Metabolism emphasized the concept of biological growth in architecture, implying that the city, as well as its structures, are living organisms that develop together. The architecture was now understood as a being in constant transformation, a movement able to reflect in its design a dynamic reality.

Complexity and simplicity, readability and illegibility, innovation and routine, modular space and fluid space, menu type form, and multi-type form.

Scenario for the next 3 years:

1- Natural increase of population in the next three years and with the existence of such a multi-functional complex in the city of Manjil that its facilities are so weak, it increases the demand of people for living in modules and increases the number of modules.

2. Gradual transfer of the workplace of the people living in the complex in the administrative departments, studio, gallery, etc. (Working spaces are near the place of residence)

Scenario for the next 20 years:

1. Population growth in the next 20 years is undeniable. Bio modules have the ability to have a variety of connections like coming out of their octagonal shell and creating new connections and forms, and this Causes a large increase in modules in response to population growth.

2. In addition to increasing the number of modules, due to the predetermined connections, the octagonal structure can also be upgraded and the structure can be intertwined and form on top of each other, which leads to a greater increase in modulus.

3. Adding AR services due to the expansion of gadgets.

4. Addition of form inner gardens on the roofs of developed blocks due to the development of water supply and detail technologies, Executives and scheduling applications. (Transfer of common space on the site to higher floors)

5. Existence of smart turbines to generate more electricity.

Scenario for the next 50 years:

advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and prefabricated technology…are widely applied throughout planet construction. these intelligent technologies make remarkable contributions to the space colonization of Mankind’s space and Cities.  A future city is a Vertical City. A complex layering of functions and transit will dedicate our movement through space.

1. The dominance of artificial intelligence over transportation, so that smart drones are ready to lift modules and plug them in elsewhere.

2. The emergence of a new transportation system by train, so that the modules went to work in large and advanced cities. And they return to Manjil to rest!

3. Emergence of new sites (assembly of mass forms in other urban areas, for example under the train tracks and on the dam water)

4. shrinkage of biomodules at the same time multiplicity, due to the high price of land and rising inflation, as well as the establishment of Living individually lifestyle.

Important points considered in this project:

-Insist on the right of humanity and nature to co-exist in a healthy, supportive, diverse, and sustainable condition.

– Create safe objects to long-term value

– Expand design considerations to recognizing even distant effects

– Respect relationships between spirit and matter

– Consider all aspects of human settlement including community, dwelling, industry, and trade in terms of existing and evolving connections between spiritual and material consciousness

– Eliminate the concept of waste. Evaluate and optimize the full life cycle of products and processes, to approach the state of natural systems in which there is no waste

– Rely on natural energy flows

– Treat nature as a model and mentor

– Encourage direct and open communication between colleagues, patrons, manufacturers, and users to link long-term sustainable considerations with ethical responsibility, and re-establish the integral relationship between natural processes and human activity

– visible in all daily aspects of operation, including energy use, food handling, waste handling, maintenance activities, retail operations, and visitor services

– designed to be placed in a natural spot, and easily removed without any ecological damage as a consequence of its presence.

– The aim of modular suites is to meet the growing demand