
In the design process of Cafe Grind, according to our main ideas in the formation of the outer shell, the main body of the building, and interior spaces, as well as the synchronization of the design process with the Covid-19 crisis, the process of design formation began and with each step forward in this direction, challenges and more questions arose for the final confirmation of the result.

Our main goal, along with answering all the mentioned items correctly, is to gain new experiences and learn how to respond to them and how deal with them.

Because the design process took shape at a very critical time for us, we believed that “we would never let a crisis go to waste.”

In this way, by putting many pieces of the puzzle together and agreeing on how to respond to the many items in the design process, we came up with a single, dynamic ‘set of design processes’.


Fluidity in communication between spaces and creating different spatial experiences is one of the main goals of this design. The approach was to design a project as simple as possible and to take full advantage of the space’s potential. So the purpose is “To create new experiences, where everybody stays in the different level of spaces but they must be able to enjoy the variety of scenery. Trying to reach differing levels of the enclosure, connection, and spatial organization.”

This project was mentioned as a honorable prize in brewed cafe design challenge in Vienna/Austria.